"Old Japcore", the proverbial stuff of legend...anti-melody that so early on achieved it's nexus that many of today's rabid obscure world-hXc followers breathlessly exalt it's PINNACLE of fucking untouchability. I'm one who tends to agree (some of the time), because even when one of their EIGHTIES bands "lames out" (too much wank, or Japanglish blatantly more horrible than usual), the energy and playing ability is so tight that even THOSE "crap" bands are still elevated to merely "average" instead of blowing light dollops of steamy Tootsie Roll resemblin' dog shit (UGH, grossed myself out on my own hideous metaphor!). Now, my interest in Japcore has predominantly been with their oi-beat/braindrill-guitar "chaos-punk" bands, being an extension of my love for the genre's progenitors CHAOS
BUT FIRST (*laughs maniacally...GOTCHA!), before one can understand ye Olde Chaos-Japcore, one has to understand exactly what DISORDER and CHAOS
Secondly, there really aren't "just" two Japanese equivalents, one band in particular (GAI) seemed to take direct influence for a longer period (also throwing in CHAOTIC DISCHORD's retardation), but they all essentially filtered in and died/transformed at the same time ('81-'84). Some were more proto crasher crust (CONFUSE) than others, but essentially even with the flux of mid-90s (STILL Japanese!!!) homage bands (who were EQUALLY as SERIOUS) the fundamentals of the style remained unchanged. That's NOT to say they all "sound alike" as there's subtle nuances or obvious levels of recording quality (even their boombox stuff is sharp) that gives each band it's own character. So FINALLY...LET'S KICK IT WITH THE FRIGHTENING JAPCORE DISAS-TERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ONE MORE THING (*HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!): Since everybody bitches "the snobs always brag about this stuff, but WHERE do they find this shit!!!", I'll tell you...DON'T BE LAZY. Do a few internet searches (half the time the Japanese shops WILL sell to you and AREN'T necessarily super expensive, and YES some of this "ULTRA CULT" stuff does NOT take that long to hunt...sometimes), check ebay, go on SOULSEEK (you'd be SHOCKED how much of this shit is on there IN PERFECT QUALITY!), network in general with tape traders (believe it or not, Japunks DO want to trade with you regardless of a language barrier! 90% of the shit I'm gonna talk about I either got the actual record/demo/cd or an AWESOME sounding copy straight from a Japunk's courteous and giving hands...but ya GOTTA make it worth their TIME!!!). YOU DON'T HAVE TO LEAD A NOISE-FREE LIFE YO!!!
Bands (I promise now): GAI has become the better known band since a small re-release of their "Extermination" flexi (on CD) and demos (onto LP and CD) in '97, and quite a few bootlegs of varying combinations of their material. They had 2 known full demos (one with a variant cover) on their in-house tape label VIOLENT PARTY, which many tracks didn't make it to the LP/CD presses in '97. Top it off with another in-house compilation LP appearance and (BAM!!!) the band turns into the MUCH less political SWANKYS. This is where it gets confusing, I've had a couple Japanese sources tell me one band or the other (and to further live the chaos, there's a THIRD band incestuously involved called SIEG HEIL) started before the other back in '81, but I dunno if this was like a name crisis or like different members rotated through or WHAT (SWANKYS retained a bit of GAI's sound at first and didn't seem to have a striking change in members...and SIEG HEIL, well christ they sounded EXACTLY like GAI but with longer, almost discore-ish songs!!!!!! They only had 2 demos, both A-W-E-S-O-M-E). But chronologically GAI seems to have been properly documented first. Okay, their sound: Even on the "superior recording" (LOLOLOLOL!!!) of the flexi they were blown out as fuck. Songs seethe with an abnormal hatred of the conventional (even for punk!). Singer Watch/Swanky Boy (ANOTHER THING, these dudes were always changing their stage names, so nailing down exact members is almost impossible) approached his vocals from a charismatic perspective, even doing pre-grind pukes (but a majority of the time keeping them rabid and screechy) or totally tarding out like a person with VIOLENT Down Syndrome high on HELIUM!!! Shit's just fucking insane yo...ESPECIALLY the parts with SWANKYS where he tries to "sing", but fails HORRIBLY...and doesn't give a shit cuz it's ALL punk fuckin' RAWK!!!
By the time they turned into SWANKYS (carrying over a couple of GAI songs, some re-recorded) the band had cleaned up production dramatically (TRUST me, it'll still blow yer head open) and changed lyrical focus to partying all night, getting layed, etc etc. Easily 75% of this older material is anthemic and musically structured amazingly (still chaos-punk, but seemed to have a severely minimalized SEX PISTOLS arrogance creeping in). The band only kept the chaos approach for a 7" ("This Is My Lifestyle" '85) and LP ("Very Best Of Hero" also '85) before changing AGAIN into a much more technically precise garage punk band. They DID hint at that direction with a few poppier songs (still simple) on the early releases, and there was an additional flexi and another 7" that were ENTIRELY those hints (the flexi, called "Rock N Roll History Fuck Off" has gotta be one of the snottiest things I've ever heard). The COMPLETE change of sound though...is shocking, I won't lie...but it doesn't suck, is catchy (hey, I sing along yo) and the shit is a lot more u/g than fucking GREEN DAY. What gets me is Watch didn't really change his vokes much! Yeah there's more "singing"...but it's so fucking glaringly awful-beautiful still! For the chaos years though, everything that could EVER be summed up about the band can be found in just 3 of their songs, "Lifestyle", "Fundamental Human Light", and "Damaging Noise" (*wink)...in a word, EXQUISITE. All GAI/SWANKYS is easy to find on CD (sometimes still new!) in
Oh, scope out 2 OTHER bands (and who knows if they are member-linked to GAI/SWANKYS too, because as with SIEG HEIL they have a HELL of a lot of GAI's characteristics) that were supported by VIOLENT PARTY TAPES, these were GESS and NO CUT. Essentially GAI's sound/vocals but songs were arranged as a more Pabst-swilling straight punk vibe.
GASMASK/COWARD are the 2nd set of bands to be linked, and a hell of a lot easier for newbies to figure out the discography. CRUST WAR RECORDS released a discography LP of both bands a few years ago that fetches HORROR PRICES on Yankee ebay (I'm a junkie, I shelled out the horror prices again yo, but it WAS mint! Japanese ebay it only goes for like 30), but damn when shit's THIS high quality it won't be money missed (there's a great sounding tape bootleg of the LP out there at WWW.OVERHEADDISTRO.COM so DON'T STRESS!!!). Anyhoo, COWARD started first and are extremely evenly-tempoed CHAOS
OUTO can make you pogo as all fuck (starting in '84...think they lasted till early 90s???) noisenheimers! Their debut 7"s (they had 3 total and an LP) braindrill guitars are seering like COWARD's, but due to the ultra-reverb production very demoralizing and claustrophobic like yer getting napalm rained on ya (this is a GOOD thing). Drums and bass sound extra thick and gnarly in the mix. Band is surgically tight and pretty fast for 1-2-1-2-tumpa-tumpa-tumpa-tumpa. They got MAD ROCK over a fairly long period of time (it was like 2 years between every release)...but it was even more hXc than SWANKYS transformation and still retained the unadulterated chaos of their debut. They had a few comp tracks and videos though that I've ignored so that tells ya how much I think the first ep ("Many Question, Poison Answer") reigns supreme. They had phenomenal cartoony artwork/layouts half the time and in color too! There's a legit truncated discography cd from a few years ago that has the songs either out of order or missing a few tracks, but it's transfer is great and THAT ART is there again yo!
CONFUSE is probably best known to the world now (is there ANYTHING more classic looking than the "3 Punks" cover pic?), and out of all the bands here THE most ferociously alien (or ahead of their time...I don't even think ATROCIOUS MADNESS got very close and that's NOT being mean duders!). Band mistakenly gets compared to DISORDER a little too much (most likely due to Brian/DROPDEAD pushing that in an article in MRR from over 10 years ago), when everything from the vocals to drums are straight up fucking discore-thrash (or what's now called "Crasher Crust" made popular by GLOOM). They had one song in particular ("Hanger") that is pure DISORDER, but outside of upping the noise-factor to NUCLEAR levels (man it's borderline POWER-ELECTRONICS yo!!!) they were their own unique deal. The drums have always stood out the most for me. There's just tons and tons of fucked up fills (sometimes the toms are reversed in order! likes it's rolling "up") or breaks into odd time signatures. Listening to the snare alone on their '84 flexi's version of PEOPLE ARE NUCLEAR POISONING will make your head spin! Oh and the guitarist was like a noisecore virtuoso wringing SCREAMING notes and FUCKED UP psych effects from multiple pedals hooked up at once. So yeah, they had a great raw demo in '83, an equally intense flexi, an ep that sounded like lame outtakes from the demo ("Spending Loud Night"...it really sucks yo regardless of a GREAT uber drugged-out psych/space rock song), a few comp trax, something I'm forgetting (I'm not perfect), and a "metal" (I consider it "experimental") 12" called "Stupid LIfe" (it's a catchy album, the reverb is deep enough to drown in! reaaalll MEGA dark psyche!!!). There's been a really well recorded live show from '85 (where they were strict thrash, but they fuck with the songs slightly and the guitarist has a field day with effects!) floating around on SOULSEEK so SNAP THAT SHIT UP NIGGAZ!
I got the heavy players in this exact style out of the way (except STATE CHILDREN, whose lone flexi is BORING. Noisy and pre-crusty, yes...entertaining, NO. Or SHA LONDON, who I have yet to ever hear)...SO...ya wanna hear about "newer" chaos-punk bands??? LET'S FUCKIN' GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COLLAPSE SOCIETY more than likely kicked this wave off with their '93 demo, though the pre-CHAOS CHANNEL band DONKEYS might have existed at the same time (I know GLOOM started around this time too, but I think they're overrated). But yeah, COLLAPSE SOCIETY kind of started with a HEAVY crusty dirge but copped the old guard's distortion INHUMANLY (even on the bass, which is REPULSIONized yo!). It's the bizarre, almost plodding tempo of the demo that works alongside the noise...The combination grinds along until there's nothing left of your SANITY, let alone hearing! Trax want to be standard-paced crustcore, but seem oddly slowed to a point of nearly falling apart (but the band's NOT sloppy!!!???). Their follow up ep is a lot tighter and faster (many demo songs made the cut), probably becomes standard discore...but it still has tons of apocalyptic energy and smarm (the lyrics REALLY get into it with their "Emperor" caste system!) so it gets my honest vote for a classic of it's/our time. Had a few comp appearances (I've noticed writing this entire article that RARELY do any of these new band's comp trax want to impress me!).
DONKEYS/CHAOS CHANNEL: NOBODY has any decent info on DONKEYS yo except for the CHAOS C.H. connection (and a NOISY demo!). This demo is fuckin' TITS gang! Perfect combo of SWANKYS/DISORDER chaos-thrash (and sometimes "punk"!) meets dis-dis-dis ATTACK! Many memorable songs that SHOULD be anthems of our times ("FUCK'N ALL WORLD!" LOLOLOLOLOL)...if it weren't for the HORRENDOUSLY LAME PRODUCTION. This shit's BEYOND boombox duders...it's fucking MUD. BUT, if you have a properly trained ear (and crank the volume) the trax ARE definable. Long ass demo (lotsa trax)! Total value for money! As CHAOS CHANNEL they were on the scene with an ep (and split demo with ADDICTION) about '95, "cleaned" things up slightly, went more discore (there's the old chaos-punk "rolling" feel on a couple trax), and forged a braindrill distortion that could blow open the very gates of HELL! A comp track or two then BOOM they go ULTRA SWANKYS (garage rock years, in fact the fake "live" audience during this 2nd ep is a direct nod to SWANKYS own fake "live" double CD) and rock the audience the fuck out with mega clean production. It's a good ep though. A decent sounding farewell live tape (playing trax throughout their career) with singer "Chatter" drunkenly fucking up incessantly ended things grandly.
DUST NOISE ('98) I hold way close to my heart...and apparently STAY the only one. I've been trying to break this band for YEARS and have met like 6 people worldwide who know the band...even in Japan (!). They have 3 demos (numbered weirdly, like their only live demo says "4th" on it, but I was assured by the band's friend they only have 3), 2 eps (200-300 pressed each), and supposedly some unreleased songs (I can attest to everything except this last rumor here). PURE fucking GAI/DISORDER (both of whom they cover!)...a little wooden/rough sounding, but DAMN those hate-filled songs and SQUIRTING weird-ass hollow production (it changes NOTICEABLY per release, but keeps that basic feel). I like the bass a lot...isn't distorted to shit or rumbly, but tinnily timples along (it's kinda cute, like a PUG!) with the drums. Vokills are PURE PISSED OFF POPEYE!!! I LOVE the layouts on all their shit...SWANKYS' stylized bullshit made-up fonts, DISORDER's crude drawings, and burnt-out pics of spiky crasher crusties (not too punk to ALSO LOVE LARM) making snide faces.
DISLIKE ('97) BLOW MY GOURD RIGHT OPEN YO!!! I am SO fucking in LOVE with this band! Their '97 ep is PHENOMENALLY chaotic!!! FAST (like OUTO's speed/debut ep's style) hyper oi-beat/DISORDER-tone guitar/spastic vocals. They slow it down like once and get you to 3rd-eye trance from the cosmically-contemplative "spacy" notes and EXCITING drum surprises (there's this little thingy they do that sounds like fucking woodpeckers???). Production's ace, band is surgically tight, every song RULES! They did a just as minimalist longer demo-ep in '99 that got slightly dissier, but kept it mostly chaotic and inventive (it's one of my fave demos by any band). The vocals changed here to a fucking head-exploding shriek that makes my OWN head hurt just listening to it! Production was good even on the demo and could have been released as a 12". Songs seem more gloomy or jaded in tone. Awesome, AWESOME band. EVERYBODY needs to hear this band (ALL these bands!!!).
SCREAMING NOISE is NOT related to DUST NOISE, but are even MORE DISORDERIFFIC. Had a slightly muddy and SUPER BASIC debut ep in '95-'96 (fashioned once again, as most of the bands have to varying degrees of success, as a fusion of GAI/DISORDER's graphics). Very catchy, but the songs will blow you away in how simple the notation/mono-beat is. Very first track "Born To Media" is a memorable as hell pub-punk delight. Things speed up just a hair throughout the rest of the songs. By 1997 a 2nd ep was released on CONFUSE's in-house label ANARCHY CENTRE and features a really sharp (nearly perfect) production. The band sounds even more comfortable/tight/faster within their sound and takes a few extra chances (that work well) to cop as much of DISORDER's snotty persona as possible. Braindrill is sharper, vocals screechier (lots of stolen Disorder-AAAAAAAAHs), it's a brilliant ep! They had 3 equally as intense comp trax but I only have those taped. Band broke up when singer had a kid (you can scope him in the INFERNO PUNX book).
DEFUSE: I don't mean to be a smartass and leave a short description, but as DEFUSE is the all-girl answer to CONFUSE note-for-note, crazy drum beat-for-beat...what more can be said of perfection? They had 2 consistent demos ('98-'99) and weren't afraid to stray into even faster tempos (like as fast as DOOM on "Circles"), or to a plodding AMEBIX swirl...but mostly it was a total CONFUSE fest and amazing as fuck. Many trax from the 2nd demo became a split 7" with P.Y.S.V. from
RABID's single '98 demo should be the stuff of modern legend noisenheimers. Distinctly more "thrash" oriented hardcore than chaotic...but there's a lot of heart and adventure here (and the band is tight as fuck...with NOISE also to take on any other band in this article!).
WOO!!! I had a
Chaos Channel -
"Serve You Right!" 7" 1995, "Just Say No!" 7" 1995, Addiction Split demo 1993, "Noise Hero" farewell live (color cover) 1995
Collapse Society –
1993 demo, 7" 1995
Confuse –
“Indignation” cd (official 1983 demo cd) 1997, “Old Master” cd 1989, cd (nightmare bootleg) 1997, Live 12/28/85, Live 2/24/84, Live At Doushisha University 1985
Defuse –
1998 demo Jap, 1999 demo ("What's Right, Don't Conform"), P.Y.S.V. Split 7" 1999
Dislike -
"Shock" 7" 1997 Jap, "Noise" demo '99
Donkeys –
“Serve You Right!” (pre Chaos Channel...same title as C.CH. 7”)
Gai -
"Damaging Noise" 7" bootleg 2002, "Damaging Noise" LP (demos) 1997, "Damnation" cd (demos) 1997, "Total Control" cd (demos) 1997, 1981-1985 demo, "Extermination" flexi 1984
Gasmask/Coward -
split LP 2003
Gess –
“Suffer Damage” 1983 demo
No Cut –
“Tragic Present” 1983 demo
Outo -
"Many Question, Poison Answer" 7" 1984, "Half Wit Life" 7" 1986, "No Way Out" 7" 1989.
Rabid -
"Total Chaos Attack" demo 1998
Refuse -
"Control Noise" demo, "Punk Save The World" EP 2001
Screaming Noise -
"Not Very Nice" 7" 1995, "Noise And Masturbation" 7" 1997, Trax from "Chaos Of Destruction" compilation.
Sieg Heil -
1st demo ("Nazism", maybe '83), untitled 2nd demo ('83?)
Swankys -
"The Very Best of Hero" LP 1985, "Best Of Lifestyle" 12", “Never Can Eat Swank Dinner” CD 1987, "Rock 'N' Roll History Fuck Off" flexi 1984, "We Are The Refined White Cats" "pro" cdr-bootleg 2001, "Tokyo" CD, “More Fuck” (A.K.A.: "Original Swankys") demo 1985, “This Is My Lifestyle” 7” 1985, “Very Best Of 2” 7” 1985, "Period The Noise Tour" Live 1985 CD, "New York Live Fuck U.S.A." 2xCD 1989.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Damaging Noise
Enslaved Chaos
Here is Enslaved Chaos out of print self titled EP for your listening pleasure. I am sorry about the quality but the mp3s is ripped from a dub tape (I traded the original copies with some friends waaaaay back in the days). Thanks to my bro for ripping it.
I am hosting it on the hxcmp3 page since savefile are totally useless these days. Let me know if you have any problem with it. To those who wants to share anything about Enslaved Chaos, just drop me a line. I know shit about these guys.
Here is the link. Would someone reissue this?
Friday, December 09, 2005
Volendam Disease
It is always great to come cross new bands that have nothing but one or two demo under their belt. Thanks to Myspace and slsk the chance to find those kinds of bands are much easier. I am not one of those scenesters who are into scene points when they talk about bands that other people have no idea about. I just like to check out bands that I never heard before and shared it with people who might be interested to check them out as well.
Here’s one of those bands, and they are from
Go here.
While you are at it why don’t you check out GORDON IVY AND THE JAYBIRDS as well (these guys invent MOD-CORE man, you are crazy if you don’t check them out)? Awesome pissed-off hardcore that will guarantee you moshing alone in your bedroom. If you hate moshing you can always check out SUNN and slash your throat. There is nothing more grimm than self mutilation while listening to SUNN.
If You Don't Already Know....
Strange Reaction
7 Inch Punk
Thank me later for ok.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Mass Separation Indonesian Tour
Mass Separation will be heading to
Oh yea, you can also find an interview I did with them when Yeap was still in the band(read it here). It is probably five years old but I am not too sure about that. The thing that I remember very well is that it took Yeap like forever to answer the interview questions and he answered it after I mentioned that it is going to be featured in Toinen Vaihtoehto zine from
Good luck to Mass for the upcoming tour and I hope everything will go out as plan. Have fun guys (and you to Niesa!)…
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Attention Blah Blah Blah pt. 2
Nothing new, I just decided to make some changes to my existing blog (the truth is I am too lazy to create another blog). How many changes will it have? Well, not much I must say. I will still write about things that I am interested in and most of the time it will be about the international DIY hardcore punk community. Most people will think that it is kinda lame for a 25 year old to still be interested with that sort of thing but I just can’t help myself. There is something about the DIY community that I don’ think I can easily explain to other peoples around me. I maybe not the most active participant right now (dude I have a job and a girlfriend) but I still give a shit about it regardless of anything.
So what’s up with the name changes? Hmmm… despite being a stupid name it is way easier to remember this new name than the old one beside it is the name of my existing print-zine, and to those who are looking forward for the new issue, check this blog regularly for some updates.
Tapes are fun!
I was cleaning my room the other day when I realized that I have like tons of cool tapes lying around and I am not talking about the tapes that I have for sale from my small tape label. I just realized how much I love tapes more than CDs or mp3s. Yes I have an iPod but the feelings I got from a tape played through my Walkman are way different from the feelings I got from listening to songs from my iPod. Again, it is something unexplainable… maybe I am just someone that love to be stuck in the past and reminiscent how good it was back then… or maybe I am just old and should just find another hobby… anyway, I think I am going to start over my tape collection and get my hands on some cool tapes from all over the world. Oh yea, maybe I should buy a tape player as well so I don’t have to be stuck with that old Walkman. Can anyone help me finding a tape player with tape-to-tape dubbing function? I remember going to some electronic shop but couldn’t find those that are similar to the one that I have back in the days.
If you’re in a band and have a demo-tape out, let me know. I would love to get my hands on those. I don’t hate CDrs but it’s not something that I am used to when I started to get involved with the DIY community. If you can help me getting some tapes of bands like Poison Idea, Black Flag, His Hero Is Gone and Tragedy, let me know about it as well because I love those bands. Tapes rule and yes I am dork for it.
My current playlist:
Poison Idea – Record Collectors Are Pretentious Assholes Tape
His Hero Is Gone – Monuments To Thieves Tape
Tragedy – Vengeance
Friday, December 02, 2005
Revenge Is Sweet

Another cool band that I came across when I last went to
Oh yeah, I got the demo like months ago before I got to see them but due to my stupidity (and the fact that the demo cover is a huge turn-off) I never even bother to listen to it. Shit, I should have shoot myself for doing that. Check out their Myspace page and download a couple of songs from their demo. By the way they are heading to
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Night of the Ultimate Mosh

Anyway back to the Night of the Ultimate Mosh… I hardly know most of the bands so that is definitely a good reason why I should be there and check out those bands, beside this is happening not far from my house so there is no reason for me to skip it. I surely enjoy shows like this more than any other show. Yeah, it is held in small places that can hardly fit 50 persons with shitty equipment, but that what makes it all more wonderful. A good punk rock show (or any rock show for that matter) is where you can feel whatever mood the band is channeling through their performances and songs and the best way to enjoy this is from punk rock shows like this.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Attention Blah Blah Blah
Have a nice day.
The only good thing about Hari Raya is my Mom's rendang daging...
God, I can't even remember when is the last time I actually bought Baju Melayu for Hari Raya...
Happy Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all...
Vitamin X Live In Malaysia

Yup you read that right, Vitamin X will be in Kuala Lumpur in a few weeks time for their SEA stop over. This will be awesome... well at least to those who have waited for it. Me? Well let just say that I am still crossing my fingers for the Infest reunion above anything else. So... anyway, there is an interesting discussion over ricecooker (click here) for the past couple of weeks regarding this. Yeah, shit talking behind the computer screen is fun but at least do it with dignity (is there such thing?).
But that's punk rock for you. It won't be punk rock without the spineless shit talking on the internet.
Thursday, October 13, 2005

Hardcore by the Book
Old School Hardcore Ain’t Cool Anymore?
Punk As Fuck, Fucked As You
Shoot and Kill
Hey check out their Myspace!
Note: the mp3 links have been removed!
Monday, October 10, 2005
a note....
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Bleeding in the Snow

For fans of Neurosis,
Pelican - Interview
I'm doing real well, thank you. Just got home from a few shows with the band and now I am trying to do some hardcore relaxing before our next stint starts this weekend. I'm in
the heat is sweltering, so my girlfriend and I have been hiding in a darkened room trying to keep cool.
2. What's up with the band? Are you preparing for the upcoming shows in
Just got back last week, actually. It was our first time over there. The label which releases our albums in
3. So there will be a
Yes, this Sunday we are hitting the road for five weeks in support of the new record. The majority of the tour will be with our labelmates Big Business. We'll also be joined by Breather Resist, the Panthers, and Red Sparrowes for different legs of the tour.
4. So you guys are going on tour with your own money or…?
5. Tell me something about the new album. Is it the progression from the previous recorded materials? Are you guys happy with the output? What can the listener expect from this new album?
The album is much more diverse from our previous efforts. Whereas "
6. From the track list of the new album, I'd noticed that there is a track call March To The Sea, does this track have any relation to the March Into The Sea songs off the March Into The Sea EP?
Yes, it's a new recording of the song from the EP, with some changes made in the structure of the song. The most notable difference is that we excised the acoustic outro, since it seemed to eat into the continuity of the album quite a bit.
7. I have to say that the song March Into The Sea is probably on of the best songs I've heard from Pelican. Is it intended to be 20 minutes long because it really sounds like a combination of one or more songs in it? Can we expect more 20+ minutes songs from Pelican in the future?
We'd talked a little about dividing the song into movements, like a classical piece, but that ultimately seemed a little pretentious and uneccessary, so, yeah it's
understand the feeling that it seems like a lot of songs happen in its midst since we cover so much different territory within its boundaries, but I think the song itself is sort of indicative of all the different tones and ideas that we want to explore as musicians. It's a tidy bundle of chaos, really.
8. I found out that your new album had been leaked on the Internet for a while now. How does the band see about this? What do you think about kids downloading the whole album from the Internet instead of buying
the real album?
If I thought that no one was going to buy the album because they could just as easily download it, I guess I might get pretty bummed. It's a lot of hard work and very costly to make an album, so the ultimate goal of any independent release is to at least break even; and I am always gripped with terror when we are releasing something that the whole thing is gonna sink the ship, so to speak. But while the downloading phenomenon has definitely affected peoples' propensity to peel open their pocketbook to buy a new record, I don't think it's
necessarily a negative change. I think people that download music still spend money on music, downloading just gives them a chance to check out more stuff and broaden their musical palette. Technology has always forced change in the music scene/industry, and we are undergoing a time of dramatic change - downloading is here to stay and artists will have to find different ways to make their art come to fruition is they want to survive.
9. How was the SXSW show the band did a couple of months ago?
Shows with large bills always tend to have quite a number of duds on them, so it was amazing and an honor to participate in what I think might have been the best large assortment of bands I have ever seenplay on one stage in one night. The highlight was probably Oxbow; as music and performance the band drops my jaw every time I see them.
10. It seems that there are a lot of bands who are musically similar with Pelican and are gaining a lot of popularity within the 'extreme music' scene (i.e. Cult of Luna, Mare, Jesu etc), is it safe to say that this kind of music is going to be the next trend? Do you think MTV will catch up and starts hyping this kind of music?
The rarity with which music that is sincere and uncompromised "catches on" tends to suggest to me that MTV will not take an interest in bands affiliated with our scene or our label. I think that that's fine - business interests and corporate affiliations only bring negative effects with them. Those types' interest in music is predicated on the belief that there are material rewards to reap from it, which shifts the attention from sincerity to sales. Artists don't need that shit fucking up their work.
11. There was a Justin Broadrick remix on the March into the Sea EP. How does that come about? Is there any plan to do a remix album like what
like-minded musicians?
We toured the
12. Is there any plan to do an acoustic album in the near future?
Laurent, Bryan, and I do all the initial songwriting on acoustic guitars, so a project of that sort would not be too surprising, but there's no plans for such a release at this time.
13. Anything else you want to add?
We apologize for the actions of our destructive government and culture. There are peace loving people in the
Saturday, August 06, 2005
municipal waste - hazardous mutation

I thought signing with Earache will make these guys lame and shitty (as with most Earache bands with the exception of Cult of Luna)… but I was wrong. The new album really kick ass and it is a good continuation of their first long player. I think it will go down well with those who dig em before they sign to Earache and this definitely will expose them to those who never heard of them before. I don’t want to debate about the whole sell-out thing since it is none of my business. If you don’t like a band for signing to an “evil” records label… just shut up and stop listening to them.
Since I am not interested to piss anyone from Earache, I will not post any songs that I acquire from slsk, instead I will list a couple of links that people can use to check it out.
Go here and here (yeah it is troublesome but you won't regret it) for some hard-hitting crossover thrash. Oh yea, check out the Earache page as well for some hard-hitting news about the Waste.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
bandung thrash
I have decided to feature another Indonesian band after the Domestik Doktrin post last week. Another band from
Often compared to Charles Bronson, the band’s version of snotty fast hardcore really put them above their ilk in
I don’t think they are still around. Well that is what kids in
01 - Budaya Timur Harus Mati
02 - Hanya Ada Satu Kata Buat Bintang Rock- Ngetot
03 - Detik-Detik Terakhir Di Dalem Kehidupan Kurt Kobain
04 - Revolusionaris Kon-Tol-Porer
05 - Bakterimukaantiagnesmonika
06 - Band Hardcore Majalah Hai
07 - 24 Jam Diberakin Iklan
08 - Negara Itu Semacam Lobang Pantat, Semua Orang Punya Satu Dan Pasti Bau Tai
09 - Pemberontakan Cuma Bikin Tebel Kantong Para Banjingan
10 - Berak Di Depan Jendela Fucktory Outlet Yang Ke-1000 Sekian Kota Bandung
11 - Rocker Yang Telah Mati Semua Membusuk Di Neraka Jahanam
12 - Seluruh Dunia Boleh Dinuklir!!!
13 - Invasi Pasukan Puser Di Layar Televisi Anda
14 - Strategi Koporat Kapitalis Progresif
Mp3s linked removed. Check me out on slsk. User ID: hatta
Monday, July 25, 2005
sepakat untuk tidak sepakat
Domestik Doktrin from
I managed to catch 2 of their shows (they probably played like 5 shows in total). Both were awesome and fun. The first show was at a jam studio (practice space) that could probably fit 70 peoples in it. It was fucking wild and it was a total miracle that the place was still intact and in one piece after the show. Watching Domestik Doktrin reminds me why I love DIY hardcore punk in the first place.
Here are a couple of mp3s from Domestik Doktrin’s latest release Phundamentalphun. Those who are familiar with Domestik Doktrin will find this to be a little bit different from the 7” that 625 Records released not too long ago. It seems that they are also caught with the whole “Tragedy-Epic-Crust” craze that is popular these days. I haven’t listened enough of it to give out my opinion about their new release but I will definitely say that, as of now, I prefer to listen to their first 7” than this new release and a lot of people that I know would definitely say the same thing too. Some even describe Domestik Doktrin new material as a very bad metalcore… Drop a line to propamedia@gmail.com if you want more information about the CD. It is limited to 300 copies and serves as a discography CD since it has all the songs that they have recorded up to this point.
Domestik Doktrin - Beauty is in The Eye of The Stock Holder
Domestik Doktrin - Gossip vis-a-vis Casusbeli
Note: Links removed. It have been weeks for fucks sake!
Friday, July 15, 2005
extreme aggression
I hope they won't cancel it. Fingers cross...
I Grind, Pt 1: Damage Digital
I was lucky enough to catch a Damage Digital show right here in
Maybe I ‘m exaggerating things, but few can deny the quality of the bands coming from
Although often time compared to Discordance Axis, Damage Digital (DxDx) is not a straight up carbon copy of Discordance Axis. Yes there are definitely similarities between them, and as far as I know, Discordance Axis was probably in Damage Digital’s long list of influence but they are definitely not a Discordance Axis rip off.
Damage Digital will definitely be on my top ten all time favorite grindcore bands alongside Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Brutal Truth and Discordance Axis. I can hardly find any new band that can match the sheer ferocity and OTT intensity that were produced by DxDx, be it on recorded material or live performance. Sure there are lots of new grindcore bands out there but quite frankly none of them interest me at all. But hey, I’m open for recommendations as long as the band is not affiliated with Relapse.
I think recently someone in the
Saturday, July 09, 2005
00 void
A couple of months ago I wouldn’t believe that I will be enjoying Sunn. I was even skeptical of people saying that they are really into whatever this band is doing. I doubt I can enjoy this band without being high… I was wrong.
I don’t really know how to explain but I was kinda bored with what I’ve been listening to lately. The last gig I went to were really a so-so affair and I was pretty burned out with the whole “loud-fast-rules!” stuff that I’ve been listening for a while. It was boredom that made me decided to check out some off the stuff that I don’t usually listen to. So I went to check out some off the cds and cdrs that I have and found a cdr of Sunn’s Flight of the Behemoth album. I don’t know how long I have it with me but one thing for sure; I hardly listen to it ever since I got it. It is weird. While I can definitely enjoy Burning Witch, Khanate (two out of many Sunn’s Steve O' Malley bands and projects) and Corrupted, I can’t really get into Sunn. It is too monotonous for my likings and “un-heavy” unlike those aforementioned bands.
I uploaded those songs to my iPod and decided to listen to it the next morning while going to work. I should add that my morning playlist are usually stuff ranging from metal to grindcore; it is definitely a perfect way to start off my day – anything by Slayer (up to the Undisputed Attittude album) usually do the job.
What happened the next morning was really amazing. Amazing because I was listening to something that I never thought I would listen and enjoying every minutes of it. It was the perfect soundtrack for my little journey to the workplace. My mind was really empty. I felt like I was numb. I could care less about the whole world and what would await me at the workplace on that particular day. I have found my new favorite band and I don’t need any drugs to get into it. Escaping the mundane of everyday monotony is beautiful and I have found the perfect soundtrack for it.
Here are a couple of Sunn mp3s. Enjoy yourself but make sure to keep all the sharp objects away.
Monday, April 04, 2005
when forever comes crashing
I don't really have much to write about. One thing is certain, I am not happy with myself. My zine project has been lagging for a while and I haven't submitted anything for my friend's webzine for a very long time. This is not something I am proud off.
On a positive note. I got a good fat bonus from my employer. Nothing to shout about but it sure makes me a happy person for a couple of days. Oh, have I told anyone that I got a raise along with that big fat bonus?
I was in
... and here I am, updating this while listening to Converge’s When Forever Comes Crashing… I am not a very happy person... but at least my life isn't miserable.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
hunting dead bodies
It is definite. SHIKARI is no more.
Everybody, thanks for the support. It has been 5 amazing years!
...thanks for the truly amazing and inspirational music.